Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Weatherman Trinity

This series of clips basically sum up the essence of the human condition through one of the most trusted and respected professions in the world: the weatherman. Every human being can be categorized into these three groups.

The Extrovert

Notice how the anchors kind of egg him on, but you can hear the exasperation and displeasure in their voices.

The Introvert

This is a university broadcast, and it's probably his first time on air, so you kind of feel for him.... but it's still pretty funny. Especially his futile attempts to point at the projected image, which I'm sure is a very difficult weatherman skill.

The Just Plain Nuts

No explanation needed.

(Original links found on Boing Boing)

1 comment:

  1. You know... for the first 2 minutes of the "extroverted" video, I honestly thought that it was a Gord Martineau-esque prank, where all of those scenes were filmed off the air. It was at that point that I realized everybody from North Carolina is stupid.
